Where I Swoon Over Manhattan

Sooo Manhattan is more or less THE BEST. I love it there. Can I move there? Like right now? Ugh, too fabulous. <333 In case you can't tell or didn't look at Instagram today or anything, that's where I went today. Visited Parsons and got a graduate school tour by this pretty cool guy. Then I walked to The Deep End Club, a little hipster store operated by a semi-famous but totally cool DJ named Tennessee Thomas who is besties with Alexa Chung, forever my life/style icon. Or one of two. Unfortunately however, it was closed. Which just gives me a reason to go back another day. :) While walking there, I passed this absolutely gorgeous, gothic looking church on what I want to say was 13th St. Here it is:

Loved it. I also visited Beacon's Closet which was a pretty cool place. Passed on a necklace there and I was proud of myself for it at the one but later in the day I was like 'dangggg girl should have bought that.' Oh well. Next time. Because there WILL be one. It's literally right across the steer from Parsons. Going back to Parsons in more detail for a minute. The tour was fabulous. It made me only want to get accepted even more. The campus, spread out though it is, is gorgeous. The buildings are all so artsy and filled with sustainable energy stuff and things that are "green" and environmentally conscious which only increases Parsons fabulosity. Oh, and also they have this serious thing about primary colors. They're everywhere. Like there are whole halls painted just one primary color, like dark crimson red. Bam. Just like that. It was kind of awesome, not going to lie. Anyway, on with my day. So before the Deep End Club failure, I had to stop and get coffee because I was starving, had no food, and it was like 15 degrees and I was waking everywhere. I thought my hands would soon fall off. 

It wasn't too bad. And the little place I got it from was absolutely adorable. It was called Le Pain Quotidien which is French for the quarterly bread basically. Cute. After coffee, I took the train to Laudrée. Before I got there, while I was on the train I saw this girl and could have sworn to you on my life that she was this model I know of and like a lot named Cailin Hill. Just as I'd worked up the resolve to talk to her though, she got up and off the train. I was not pleased but mostly with myself. 

This was while walking to Ladurée on 70th St. The street was just too picturesque for me to resist, freezing hands or not. Also passed Park Ave and all those richy riches. 

Still not sure why one/some of them aren't paying for an apartment for me they instead. Oh well. Since Ladurée is on Madison ave., you have to go to Madison ave. walked past Parada, Juicy Couture, Chloe, Celine and Tom Ford all in the same breath. You could have knocked me down with a feather right then and there. SWOOOOOOON MOMENTS!!! So after a frostbitten walk, I finally made it. 

I probably look like a tourist taking all these photos but I kind of don't care. The entire time I was in there I was excited. It felt so much like being Marie Antoinette I cannot even begin to tell you. So I bought some macarons, then peaced it back home. 

My phone died on me three separate times or I would have had more pictures for you all of Parsons and other things. But like I've said, there will be many next times. **God willing especially if I get accepted to grad school there everybody cross your fingers and pray for me I'm not kidding!!!**

Whole walking around today, I saw this girl and I could not stop myself from photographing her the street. 
Apparently I made it too obvious though because she saw me and said either, "Why don't you take your top off?" or "Get the shot off?" Something to that effect. I walked away like lol what? Her hair was marvelous though.

This girl I saw on the train and once again, couldn't resist myself. 

She was just too hot to handle. I'm becoming such a creeper lol. 


Ps. The key to New York City winters and having to use your feet as transportation are the following: gloves, a fantastic coat, LAYERS.


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