Au Revoir...

So, I've said all my goodbyes, had dinner with almost everyone, some people multiple times, hugged just about err'body and wondered what I'm going to do without them. It seems so surreal, almost like an out-of-body experience where I was only going through the motions or something. Tomorrow, I am going to get on a plane with a one-way ticket taking me to the city I've been dreaming of since forever and a million years ago. I've got a new book, a magazine and three queued movies to keep me entertained too so that should be good. Tomorrow essentially, everything begins. Goodbyes can be sad but I think they're a good thing too. Everyone wishing you well and hoping for the best while you're off on some great adventure. It's interesting to me the people who said, "Bye I'll miss you, have fun on your trip." Like honey, this isn't a trip. It's a move. I do not foresee myself coming back to California to take up residence in the near future, if ever. But anyway, change can suck but this one's for the best I think. Otherwise, you never really move on and I like new experiences, even if, truth be told, they become anxiety-ridden and nerve-wrecking. Because if they don't make you a little scared, maybe you're not quite doing it right. xx

PS. A couple different friends have predicted that my life will be some rendition of Girls and I'm not mad about that in the least.

PPS. Just set up my cable and internet there, feeling like a soon-to-be broke BOSS.


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