Footloose in a Tiny Park.

Hello my little cherubs,
Once again we're bullet-pointing this for the sake of being concise.

  • I had been excited about this for ages but on the actual day of, I was surprisingly not that excited anymore
  • I left work super late because Monday was so ridiculously busy I wasn't even sure how it happened
  • Footloose was showing in Bryant Park and I was excited because as far as I can remember, I've only ever walked past Bryant Park, not actually stopped there
  • Upon arriving, I realized that out of all the outdoor movies, people take a free movie in Bryant Park very seriously. The place was packed out (I don't think I took a photo of all the people just to show you guys and for that I am sorry)
  • So I saw how packed it was and was like aw man, but then I saw people sitting in this side area calling "The Reading Room" which was actually just open space with lots of chairs and some tables and a couple book shelves and I thought, 'These people are geniuses.' So I posted up there and all was right with the world
The set-up
  • All was right with the world until I got hungry and had to get up to go in search of food. Although there were lots of spots around, I still didn't want to give mine up but I did anyway
  • I nearly bought something from one of the little kiosks they had around the outskirts of the park, then I saw a girl with free popcorn, asked her where the bounty was (not in those words but you get the point) and headed that way. Two bags of popcorn and a free water bottle later, I went back to find a new seat

  • One thing I didn't like, Bryant Park doesn't start their movies until 8:50pm, even though the sun set at like 8:30 and it was dark enough to start a movie with no one having a problem seeing by like 7 something. All those buildings blocked the sun so well
Buildings and the sunset
  • Movie finally started, right after a Bugs Bunny cartoon that warmed my heart

Childhood memories right there

  • Something that did not warm my heart but nonetheless made me chuckle was this random guy sitting behind me introducing himself then, some 10 minutes or so later, asking if he could get me anything to drink... He asked me three separate times. I told him no, politely, three separate times. How ironic that I had considered getting something to drink but I'd brought my mason jar of juice with me and decided it would be better not to spend the money
  • During certain particularly famous parts of the movie, people in the center of the park actually got up and started dancing. It was kind of cute
  • Also, I had on new shoes and I kind of love them. A lot
Topshop from the waist down

  • We're nearing the end folks, the movie was great, leaving and getting on the train wasn't bad. It only took a little more than an hour to get home and after that it was lights out
  • I love outdoor movies
I'm in Jersey this Sunday for my cousin's baby shower. Next week however, oodles and oodles of fun things are happening. A Wes Anderson collective art show, Moonrise Kingdom outdoors, seeing Caribou (it's a band kids) for free waddup.

Until next time lovelies,


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