Streets of Harlem.

Hello darlings! 
So today, the guy I've been seeing for a little while now and myself went to the Museum of the City of New York in Harlem today to celebrate his birthday which was Friday. You know how I do with that museum tripping lifestyle. It was quite a day all in all. Firstly, it took nearly two hours just to get to the place. 

On the way

MERCY. These delays man, they totally change the way the trains run which usually translates to everything taking longer than usual. Construction my foot. But here's the front of the museum: 

Front of the place aka palace status

It was quite lovely and very picturesque actually. We went specifically for the 'City as Canvas' exhibit which I thought he would like more than he actually seemed to but whatever. 

There was actual work by Keith Haring, not just the typical stuff you see at Urban Outfitters. It was nice to see authentic work by him. I liked the prints a lot. His work is very 80s and it shows. Might have to actually buy something from Urban by him now, who knows...

Keith Haring and stuff

There was also the above piece by the artist who's collection was more or less raided and transported to the museum named Martin Wong. It's a bit controversial depending on who's looking at it but I personally liked it a fair amount. It's interesting and conceptual if you take the time to sit and really consider it. Meanwhile, I was elsewhere considering these babies:

If anyone of you ever decides you want to become a graffiti artist and practice on some denim clothing, feel free to donate it to me! I would be exceedingly happy to take it/them off your hands. ;) 

The tickets were also good for the rest of the museum which we explored at our leisure. My favorite exhibit, second to 'City as Canvas', is probably definitely the Gilded Room. All fancy shmancy and gold and fine art and artifacts and things from the 1800s and such. 

Church fan to beat all church fans ever

And we when came across this next one, both the guy I was there with along with some stranger woman who was there with her people looked at it, then back at me, and commented that I could probably fit into it. This is what they were referring to: 

Marie Antoinette would want one

And to be honest, I probably could fit into it. Isn't that interesting. This is why someone needs to have a costume ball so I have a reason to find out!! Anyway, other parts to the museum will be presented by way of photo diary. They are as follows:

Wall Street protest materials from the 1930s

Apollo playbill

Gay barbie (this may or may not be my favorite thing because are you serious?!?! I didn't even know this existed until today)

Photos of Manhattan

The best doll house I never got to play with

After the museum, we went of course to go get something to eat. He said he likes Mexican food so I had scoped out a place on yelp called El Paso (the irony) and we allons-y-ed (we went). The place played music like we were moments from going clubbing or something but that was okay. The minute I heard Justice come on I knew I was going to like it there. Mexican food in New York, for the taste buds of a Southern California native, always leaves me skeptical at best and displeased at worst. This place however, was very tasty. The yelpers who reviewed were correct. I got nachos and he got quesadillas which was almost a joke seeing as there were only 4 of them and they were just about the size of your palm and not a centimeter bigger. Shameful the size of those things. So we just shared everything. They also had chips and guac and oh my goodness I could have munched on that for the rest of the day. Their guac was ever so slightly spicy and just uuuuugh so good! 

My nachos :)

In going to the museum, we had to walk about 20 blocks south because of those darn trains and their construction shenanigans. We ended up passing Central Park North which is actually right across the street from the museum anyway. That's the evidence there.

Park is on the left but the street around it is very picturesque

Where Krista and I will be in a little more than a month (don't worry, I didn't go inside or peak too much)

All in all, a very splendid day. Transportation was just as entertaining because there was this guy who was telling his friend about all these girls he was trying to get with at some point or another and honestly, I almost wanted to become friends with him just so I could have interesting story time all day. Also, this girl was on the train for a bit with her friend and I was swooning over her nails and her bag SO HARD. 

Man oh man. That tan and black beauty, ladies and gents, is a Celine luggage tote and I'm fairly positive it's real. It is my goal to own one of those in my life. Preferably within the next decade so I need to get on it. Also, that girls nails!!! Makes me want to do my own. And I'm having trouble resisting the temptation. By the way, this is what I wore:

It's been rainy here the past couple days so I decided to take the comfortable route and wear sneakers instead of ankle booties or something. They were comfortable and worth my while walking all around Harlem and what not. I need to wear those and my chucks more often. My hair got so mussed and lost some of its curl just because of all the moisture in the air but a quick trip to the bathroom and some bobby pins later and I was good to go. Also discovered a new hairstyle so amen to that.

On to a "other news" update. I received an email about my diploma and am supposed to be receiving it in the mail soon so that's awesome. I also have to begin shopping for my graduation outfit. I know what I want to wear, it's just the whole finding it part. That'll be interesting. Work is going well, everyone at my office keeps telling me I'm doing a great job, especially since I was only trained for two days. So any compliments I receive I am honestly grateful to God for because mercy on me if I didn't have the fast learning curve that seems to be so innate in me. All in all, life is pretty fab here in the city. For anyone who wanted to come to my grad dinner or see me while I'm in California, just text me and let me know. I'm not doing the whole Facebook invite bit so drop a line if you want to do something snazzy.

Until next time lovies!


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