Free Stuff, Crowds, and a Wolfpack

I'd say good morning but who knows what time any of you will be reading this and besides it's not morning right now anyway even though I've only just arisen from my bed so I suppose I'll just say hi. Hi. Ho are you all? Spectacular I hope. Today we're featuring a recap of this past week. My manager has been out of the office since Monday, and though that didn't stop her from emailing me three of those four days, the office was still a completely different (calmer, less on-edge) place without her. Here goes nothing.

Tuesday was a great day in so many more ways than one. Things got substantially brighter and better and infinitely more interesting (and I won't lie a little dramatic also) at work. I won't go into extreme detail because it wouldn't make much sense unless you do what I do but, suffice it to say, I received a great deal more responsibility, which had to come from someone's recommendation (I'm incredibly curious as to whose but I won't press the point), and that makes me so happy because they see my work ethic and are aware, it would seem, that I produce great work. So so happy because it's almost like a promotion of sorts. #Blessed

After work, I was slated for lots of exciting things. The Museum Mile Festival was taking place on upper Fifth Ave and I had chosen a museum to visit. This festival, for those who don't know, or won't click the link over there, it's one day a year where the museums on upper 5th are free from 6-9pm and there's also a block party and food and music and chalk for drawing in the streets. It's nice really, except for the insane of amount of people who attend. This was my issue this year. I chose the Cooper Hewitt and if I'm being honest, I don't remember why at all. But I went anyway.

View from the line

I thought I took a photo of the line but I must have only snapchatted it. (Snapchat is @ninawillz for those interested) That thing literally wrapped around one and a half sides of the museum then back on itself for one side. It was crazy. And it didn't get any less crazy once you actually got inside.

A poster. Can you read it?
(Cheat: it says "Points On A Line")

This awesome staircase I couldn't really photograph because we were being herded up it

That's a chair. Made of yarn-like stuff.

I walked around and tried to enjoy myself and see what the museum had to offer but there were so many people and you keep getting jostled and herded like cattle almost. I decided then and there I'm not participating in the Museum Mile Fest anymore. It's free, yes. But with so many people, who can enjoy it? The Guggenheim last year was more spacious and bigger on the whole and I still wasn't pleased with having to deal with all those people. For someone like me who likes to lazily walk through a museum and stand and stare and contemplate and snapchat and tweet about half the things I see while I'm there, all those people is not helping me get into that culture-oriented vibe. It just made me agitated. So I left.

I still had some hours to kill before my next engagement so I walked around and did a bit of shopping. The only thing I found was a striped shirt from H&M that reminds me of the shirt primarily worn by "The Girl" in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night which was totally my goal in the first place. That movie is pretty much my new favorite. Even though it's in Persian.

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

Sarcastic mug I saw and liked at Urban Outfitters but didn't buy because I don't really support that overpriced, wanna-be vintage, steal-your-money store anymore

My next engagement was in Brooklyn so I hopped a train or two and made my way over. I walked six blocks in the wrong direction before realizing where I was and my event was starting in 15 minutes. The event, by the way, was part of the Northside Festival, something I'd never heard of until this year. It's a week-long music, talk and film fest held in different venues all over Williamsburg. I was going to see a foreign film, for free no less, called For Some Inexplicable Reason. It was in Hungarian, which I found to be a very interesting language, no one ever seems to breathe while speaking. It was also very funny. And yes, I seem to be on a foreign film tip but that's because foreign films are gold. With subtitles. 

Northside Fest schedule and deets

My walk to the train after was filled with snapchats, photos and my shoveling Wheat Thins into my mouth because by then I was starving.

Dude on dude love graffiti

The late Maya Angelou's hood sister

Directions so I wouldn't have to use my phone. These came in handy so much you have no idea

I'm actually not sure where I took this. 
Maybe the elevator of my building at work? 
I wore all black and I loved it

I really believe Williamsburg is one of the greatest places for graffiti in this city. Every time I go I see different, interesting pieces. That Maya Angelou one just might be my new favorite.

The next exciting day of this week was Thursday. After an incredibly busy day at work, I took a train uptown. While waiting for 6:30pm to roll around so I could head towards my actual destination, I wandered into Gracious Home and made a quick dip in Zara before running for the hills so I didn't spend any money. I walked over the Central park and it was just so dreamy.

The goods at Gracious Home

Central Park!!

The View

Scrunchy face

I really need to try and get up there more often, or at least occasionally.
I was very excited though because I was finally seeing a very popular documentary that just came out and made a huge splash at Sundance earlier this year. Not only was I seeing the documentary, but the director and 6 of the documented people would be appearing for a talk after the viewing. Oh yes, not free, but still I was very excited. The documentary's called The Wolfpack.

I saw it at the Film Society of Lincoln Center. Let me just tell you in the event you haven't yet been there, the Lincoln Center is huge. It's a massive compound of buildings that takes up at least a four-block square. 

Walking to the theater

Lincoln Center from the front

Outdoor mini park/grass area

The American Ballet Theatre aka a place I'm surprised I haven't been to for a performance yet

I don't want to ruin it for you because you really should see it but I'll give you a snippet. It's about six brothers who are never allowed to leave their Lower East Side apartment and it is phenomenal. The cinematography, the accompanying music, the growth of the characters, the emotion on their faces, their experiences, it was really a great work on the director's behalf. FYI, the director is a petite little blonde girl, WOMAN POWER!!

Oh yes I work that student discount

Ah! :)

Post-viewing panel

Hearing the brothers and their mom speak after the film was crazy too because you just saw a film about their lives, then there they are in the flesh answering questions from people around you. Once again, this is why I love this city. The opportunity to see things and experience things you would not otherwise experience or see is just amazing to me and I will be forever grateful for it.

Going home, I saw some hotties on the train and even made it home early enough to re-do my nails. Too bad I did them again today before typing out this blog because white just doesn't suit my mood for long. I got invited to a white party next month and now I have to go buy an outfit for it because I mean honestly, I don't wear white, I wear black. Any reason to go shopping is cool with me though.

So story time real quick. Last night I had an incredibly vivid dream involving my darling friend Krista and my dad which was random. I was with Krista somewhere on the Brooklyn side of the East River and I dropped my phone. It bounced over the rail, down to the ground from the pier-type thing we were standing on, rolled down the sandy bank and dropped into the water, then floated. I think I screamed. It washed back up on the water but we weren't close enough and so couldn't just go grab it which is ironic because then it washed back out further into the water. I don't know how my dad was involved but somehow or other he was there. All of a sudden other strangers phone were in the water too and this random guy jumped into the water and grabbed my phone. Turns out the water was only up to his thighs. I woke up right then so I have no idea if I actually got my poor, water-logged phone back or not. After waking up, I had to make sure I found my phone and assure myself it was just a dream/nightmare. The amount of dependence I have on that thing is not good but in this day and age I really can't help it.

Referring to the earlier point of receiving more responsibility at work, I turned in my first annual review there only this past Friday, let it be noted AFTER they gave me this responsibility increase so I'm not even that concerned with anything my review might say. Obviously I'm not going anywhere and I think it's safe to say my work speaks for itself. And again I say #Blessed. It was self-evaluation style where you answer questions about yourself and your manager answers those same questions about you. We'll see what my little manager has to say after all these recent events. Oh me oh my.

I have another outdoor film this coming Tuesday, it's for Sixteen Candles put on by Loft, a store I'm beginning to love more and more for their constant sales and great clothing. I'm trying to be more adult in my choices you see but still keep my personal style about me. I don't think I have anything else going on this week and next weekend is looking a little bleak but there's always new Orange is the New Black so I'll have something as opposed to absolutely nothing. Now if you'll excuse me, a shower, the park, and a egg and cheese sandwich are calling my name.

Until next time lovelies,


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