I'm Fresher Than You.

Hellooooo world!

In case you can't tell I'm in a fabulous mood, even if my computer is threatening at every moment to kill it. I updated it like two weeks ago and with the way it acts, you could swear an update was meant to make your computer slower than it's ever been before. Mercy. But no matter, this day has gone very well so far and I hope it will only continue to do so. 

So a quick recap of yesterday just to give you the whole download of my weekend thus far. I went to church in Harlem yesterday and getting there was the most difficult thing of my life. The train I'd usually take straight there was down so I ended up walking back and forth across the entirety of a fairly large train station only to find out that I couldn't get any train line I needed to take me to the West Side which only agitated the situation further because as it was, I was in 6-inch heels. Thank goodness I can walk in those babies. I finally made it to church after getting catcalled by millions (only a slight exaggeration) of men because, I don't know, maybe they've never seen a woman who can actually walk in the heels she's wearing until yesterday. Also, random women on the street kept asking me if I wanted to get my hair done. That's never happened to me before. I walked along later thinking, 'Lol... wait, is something... wrong with it? Do I look like I am in any mood to get my hair done right now? You see me fully dressed, heels on and all. NO I do not want my hair done right now. I don't trust you to do it anyway. Who are you again?? That's right. NO ONE KNOWS.' Church itself was great. Family and friends are always lovely to see. Sermon was the most masculine-focused spoken word I have ever heard. The second half definitely went over with my feminist side more than the first. The first was nearly horrific. Potluck was actually more than decent for once. Going back home, at first it was all I could do not to stare at all the hot Harlem boys on the train. Later it was all I could do not to fall asleep in a public space. I cannot stand the thought of falling asleep on the train. That's like asking to get robbed or something and I am NOT down. Almost an hour and a half later, I made it home. And that was only the start of my night. I guess that wasn't really "quick" but I mean whatever. 

Let me tell you why this day was so great. To start things off, I went on my first ever Tinder "date" and got coffee with this guy. It went pretty swell. He's a thespian which means, if all else fails, new theater buddy waddup. We had discussions about our loathing of buses and confusion concerning the relevance and necessity of the Oxford comma to everyone's life. 

The area of Brooklyn we were in is called Clinton Hill/Fort Greene and good gracious do I love it. So cute. I also almost went to view an apartment but the apartment owner wasn't available which means no matter, at this point I have to wait until December before I can actually go look at anything seriously, or at all. 

Quick side note #2: I watched the video for "7/11" yesterday and only really have one thing to say: 

Can I have that sweatshirt??

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. This is what I wore on the date:

Cause I'm cool

Walking back to the train after coffee and the apartment viewing conversation, I happened to cross paths with some absolutely adorable brownstones. Needless to say, I could not resist photographing them.

Stones that are brown on streets that are cute

The following are just more shots from billboards and graffiti that I saw on that street. Definitely going to have to go back over there some time. 

Hands down favorite snap of the day

Kale and I have an interesting relationship

Dia de los Muertos come late

This a photo of the new sneaks that I wore. Because it's cold out. And because Refinery29 told me I could. And because they're new. BAM

After that, I was walking down Atlantic Ave toward the train station and happened to see a spread array of free vinyls lying on top of a little planter-like thing. These are the ones I picked up. Because helloooo free stuff. Especially free vintage vinyls. There was a woman who walked up and was looking at the vinyls next to me. She told me she had Michael Jackson tickets back from the early 2000s I guess that she was saving to sell on eBay later as some sort of memorabilia item. She then proceeded to grab one or two of the Barbara Streisand's that were laying around and tell me she was doing the same thing with those. Well go 'head girl. Ebay here she comes...

Here are the ones I swiped.
I'm artsy. You mad.

Too bad these are all 45 with large center holes and I lost/misplaced/accidentally threw away my adapter for those which means now I have to buy another one. Thank all the more goodness for eBay.

Vinyl selfie

All these vinyls have vintage stuff on them but they themselves are brand new which only makes me more confused as to why they were being given away for free. The things are reflective for crying out loud!! That's so awesome. The amount of times I have been grateful to own a record player only grows more each time I run into a vintage record store, regular record store, or free stuff pile. Oh yes.

So yeah. That's only the first part of my day. The rest will include my going to the gym (so fit currently, Thanksgiving meal is going to utterly ruin it... oh well?), cleaning my entire apartment, securing a ride to Jersey so we can actually have a family-oriented Thanksgiving, figuring out when in heavens name I'm going to have time to hit up Trader Joe's, do my linen laundry, and do my hair. Wouldn't it be awkward if no one could pick us up and we ended up staying in my apartment and eating pizza or something? Lol except that's actually not funny at all. I would be so mad. Mostly on behalf of my mom. Needless to say, I have more things to do than hours in the day will probably permit. Oh well. Such is life.

My mom gets in on Tuesday night and I'm so excited for it. If my apartment isn't clean, you can believe I will hear about it. Oh mom...

And don't worry kiddies, there will definitely be a post about Thanksgiving and all the fun stuff my mom and I do. BELIEVE THAT

Until next time lovelies,

Pps. Forever lol'ing at Tinder.
Ppps. Got followed by some pretty awesome people on Twitter this week. Also got retweeted by Kerry Washington. Yeah, her. Bless the Scandal gods aka Qween Shonda Rhimes <3


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