So Is This A Date Or...?

So about this weekend, from the beginning.

Church at Kingsboro Temple was absolutely a dream. The praise was on fire that day, I nearly cried. More than once. 

Here's what it looked like:

Here's what the hot saxophonist looked like:

Here's what I looked like:


And here's a bathroom selfie just because:

But once it was over I had to run home and get ready because I was going out on a Saturday night, yeah yeah. 

Saturday night. 
I had an engagement with a young man and I only realized it was a date when I was already on it, reading the guy's non-verbal signals, etc. I was like, 'lol oh.' I wore this bright, almost neon orange sweater that I now love. In case you were wondering. 

Sweater weather

But anyway, the outing comme date. We went to get dinner but the place he chose was so packed when the waiter told us the wait would only be 10 minutes, we both automatically assumed he was lying. So we decided to push on, originated looking for this Italian place I'd been to before and liked but since my hands were frozen and I couldn't remember exactly where it was, we ended up getting some insanely greasy but delicious three cheese pizza and Cokes. 


Once he showed concern more than once and even hugged me a bit to try and warm me was when I knew for sure I was on a date, not just going to the theater with a friend. Then later when I saw how much he paid!!... well there was no doubt in my mind after that. He was also apparently quite surprised but in a pleasant way with how self-sufficient I am. Oh honey you have no idea. 

Then it was on to the theater where an older gentleman commented on how I kept sniffling because I was so cold. Apparently he was from Canada. 

We saw "You Can't Take It With You" with James Earl Jones (the one you're thinking about? Yeah. Him.) and Rose Byrne who is absolutely amazing. There was also Annaleigh Ashford of "Masters of Sex" fame. She was hilarious. I loved her. 

Set from the balcony


Then he walked me to the train which was nice. Being able to have an actual conversation with someone about more than just how much you hate work and the weather, but actually talking about heater and movies and TV is SO NICE. It makes me feel cultured and I love that. 

This guy on the train's shoes. Didn't fall in love with him. Just his shoes. 

Dude who took up the entire bench for his nap...

Also, I dropped my phone a total of three times and as a result my case is now broken. But that's not such a horrible thing because now I have a reason to buy another one. ;)

This other young gentleman had been pressuring me to "reserve" some time for him so I gave him a piece of my ever-so-valuable Sunday's. Because apartment hunting and the gym and "adult"-ing are time-consuming yo. 

We agreed to go to the movies but this was only a part of my day. I also intended on going to view an apartment in the morning, then dropping off some unwanted vinyls at Academy Records before meeting said gent for the movie.

This is what I wore. I thought I looked cute. 

Nerdy girdy

Does anything ever go the way you plan?
No, no it doesn't not. I did my best to wake up early and be ready for whatever at 10am. And ready, I was but call, the realtor did not. So I went to Target because my kitchen was getting a bit bare. An hour later, my phone rings and the realtor says, long story short, that we have to switch to tomorrow. I was like whatevs, I got things to do. Bye. So I ate some cheesecake then ended off to the movies. Met up with previously mentioned movie gent and saw "Top 5". It was SO good. Rosario Dawson as an educated, GORGEOUS woman of color with opinions about the world and a great, successful career just makes me so epically happy and full of pride. *real life goals*  

Tick tick tick

He also got me a Coke and watermelon sour patch kids. I love those things so much. Anyway, after the movie, if I'm being honest, I was sort of looking for a way to get rid of him onto because I had errands to run and unless we're doing a group trip to Target, I prefer to run errands alone. I can think faster and go faster and get in and out in a jiffy. This dude decided he wanted to walk 20 blocks with me which was inconvenient because I needed to make a phone call and had intended on doing that during the walk. 20 blocks and him telling me about his experiences in the Bay (yes, as in San Francisco Bay, California) later, I duly dealt with the situation and sent him on his way. I said thanks again for everything as he was walking away and he goes, "Anything for you boo."

A half successful stop at H&M and skipping the last of my outing-required errands later, I hopped on the train to go home and change for the gym, hopefully get in a half decent workout, then come back home, do my hair, and watch "Homeland" and "The Affair" in peace.

Sunday, in a sentence, was almost equally interesting as it was successful. 

It seems I have a tendency to think I'm just hanging out with a guy because friend vibes are flowing (from my end at least), when it's actually a date.
*Note to self: from now on, always default to it being a date...? 

Until next time lovelies,

Ps. I really like Coke. 
Pps. I'm so excited for the holidays because slumming and sleep. Yes yes yes. 


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