Walk This Way.

So this past Saturday evening I went out. I'm not sure if it was a date or not even though, knowing me with my past history, not knowing or having to ask usually means it is. So then I guess I went on a date this past Saturday evening. It was ironic because I was supposed to have met this guy a record total of 5 times over the past year and not a single one of them ever happened. Fast forward to this week, he texted me yesterday asking to go out Saturday night to the museum. The Brooklyn Museum has free entry, food I believe though I didn't see any, and entertainment as well from 5-11pm every first Saturday night of the month. I've heard of this but had never attended.

After much debate on my part, because I mean really how many times can you and a guy plan to meet and cancel before it's just not worth it anymore, I acquiesced. Fast forward to Saturday night, I just woke up from my nap, am simultaneously debating the merits of canceling and deciding what in heavens name to wear after my first and only outfit idea failed miserably. I couldn't cancel. And I'd been interested in seeing what First Saturdays, that's what they're called at the museum, were like. With the help of a darling friend, I finally finished dressing, told myself not to bother with it anymore, and left.

What I wore

 I was running 20 minutes late.

I took the bus, which I vowed to never do again because with buses I simply cannot deal. Fast forward to my arrival. I got there and we walked around the floor sand exhibits so as to give us a chance to finally get acquainted. Let me give you a little back story about this guy. I first ran across him last year. We never met even though we were supposed to, like I said, a total of 5 times, but we are friends on Snapchat. So basically, we've been watching each others lives and forming semi-opinions about each other for the past year through snapchat. Cool. We walked and talked and talked and walked. It was nice. The free entertainment, which included a musical artist performing (she was so good! Her name was Lion Babe and I need to look her up) and these little hiphop kids dancing, were quality also. All in all, I see why people like First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum. Everyone was all decked out, wearing heels and everything, I almost felt underdressed.

This guy looked so much like Chance the Rapper I couldn't resist

Yeeeeeeeeah buddy

After this, we ended up walking around for about 2 hours, through the streets, to get frozen yogurt which was delicious, then walked back through the entirety of Prospect Park from bottom to top.

Butter pecan froyo, caramel popcorn, coconut and waffle cookies. THE BEST combination

 It was lovely actually but quite cold. This brought about the end of the night. It was after 11pm at this point.

So we're standing on the platform chatting and he, as all guys do at some point I'm beginning to learn, starts to tell me a bit about myself. All of a sudden he goes, "Yeah people can usually fit into a certain amount of normalcy (my word because I can't remember the exact one he used) and predictability (again, my word)." And I agreed and chuckled a bit and said people are weird. Then he says, "But you don't." As in I don't fit in. And I was like.... oh. How so? His answer was a little lackluster compared to the weight of the question and the myriad of responses it could have elicited. It really just boiled down to him mostly being fascinated with the fact that I don't drink.

I was freezing, which was the reason we were departing, and though he offered me his jumper, and yes he called it a jumper because, did I mention he's Irish? Like from Ireland. Legitimately. The whole shebang. Yeah. Anyway, so he offers me his jumper three times and I said no because only my hands were cold and I honestly didn't think it would take them as long as it did for them to warm up. So he looks at me and decides he'll help in any way he can, opens his hands palms up, signifying I was to put my hands on his, then he warms my hands. With his. Honestly you guys, it was the most adorable thing that's happened in a while. And, as I knew he would because guys can't resist rings on the hands of female fingers it would seem, he oogled my jewelry a bit and complimented it. But the hand-warming. Ugh, these are the things I am a sucker for.

I wouldn't mind seeing this young gent again so we'll see what happens. It took us a year to meet once, who knows if it'll take that long to meet again (hahaha).

Until next time lovelies,

PS. You guys should follow my snapchat for live, in-the-moment moments. @ninawillz


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