Nights and Weekends.

Let me tell you all about my exciting weekend, or rather, slight lack thereof. 

Sabbath was one of the biggest spectacles at church I've ever seen in my entire life. We were in there until 3pm. I didn't get home until a couple minutes before 5 because we like to chat about how audacious the service was after the audacious service ends. And also, taking the train from Harlem takes times. 

Saturday night, with the help of my darling Alex, I dodged what I intuited would be a bullet of a date and instead went to the movies. I saw 'Nightcrawler'. It was interesting and different but it also made me think which I can really appreciate. And then there was Jake Gyllenhaal. Amen for that man. 

While I was going home, this girl got on the train and she had natural hair dip-dyed turquoise on the bottom half. It was hair-love at first sight I tell you. I MISS/WANT hair color so bad, sometimes it hurts. Like physically. Uuuuuuuuugh. 

She also reminds me of a slightly darker Mindy Kaling which is most definitely a compliment. 
Granted in this photo she's got a stank face on but she didn't know she was being photographed so you can't blame the girl. 

After I got home from the movies, I did adult things like answer some v importants texts about going to the theater later this month with that guy from the coffee date two weeks ago? Yeah, see? Told you. THEATER BUDDIES. I also called back my cousin which is another v important thing because family first. Then I proceeded to do my hair. It is currently 2:30am on a Saturday night, I'm texting up a storm, and I am still only 2/3 done with my hair. Cool.

While I was conditioning my hair and stuff I watched 'Obvious Child' with Jenny Slate and Gaby Hoffmann. It was so incredibly spectacular, I can't even begin to tell you. This film is the reason I love indie movies. It was also set in Williamsburg which I'm not opposed to. That place is cool but I could definitely not live there. No no no. It would seem I'm on a movie tip. Yet again. But then again when am I not on a movie tip. So nevermind. Anyway, here's the movie poster for 'Obvious Child' in case you're interested.

You should be. Jenny Slate is a genius.

Then Sunday happened. 
I slept in. 
I went to the gym. 
I watched some quality TV. 
That about sums it up. 
Oh, and I got asked out on a date near the end there. 

Monday rolled around and I didn't sleep a wink because NERVES. So I had planned out outfit options before I finally fell asleep Sunday night which was helpful. Woke up feeling good, feeling great. When your hair behaves, that's how you know it's going to be a good day. Today, my hair behaved. 

I didn't let the dude pick me up b/c sir I do not know you. Also, I had some things to do before dinner at 8pm. Work finally ended, I got home and was able to leisurely get ready for this date. My being able to leisurely get ready for a date usually doesn't happen because the date is close to the time I get off work so I just go straight there. I like later starting dates better now I think. Amen for them. 

And this girl I saw on the train in te way o this date. 

Loved her entire look head-to-toe yes

Moving on. So we went to this place called Trattoria Trecolori in the theater district. Tell me how this guy knows that area well enough to know of an Italian restaurant there but doesn't want to give the theater a shot. 

Here's what I had:

Always a sucker for some pasta

Sorry about lighting, it was a bit dark in there. And heck yea it had roasted garlic in it. NO SHAME

Here's my dessert:

Pear and vanilla gelato hitting the spot

Conversation was an interesting experience. If I could live-tweet a date without being incredibly rude, I totally would. He talks about himself quite a lot. Or he did tonight anyway. And stories about his friends. Including one long one about a bachelor party and wedding that sounds absolutely awful. What to think about a guy who talks mostly about himself and tells you how awesome he is and he goes on about it so long you start to wonder just how serious he really is... He pulled out his phone once or twice at the beginning and then again at the end of dinner. At the beginning t was a massive red flag to me because are you kidding? That's a bit rude. But I got myself over it. He makes me chuckle. (But then lots of people can do that) 

We talked for a while after finishing dinner and I was the one who asked where the check was, more out of curiosity than anything else but I mean we had been sitting there sipping water for ages. Ages I tell you. After I asked about the check, based on the look on his face I wasn't sure what he thought was going to happen next. Maybe he was just surprised I asked. Yes, I was having a nice time, but I also have work tomorrow. And I have to get up for it. And be presentable. This means Nina needs sleep. How long did you plan on being out here? I mean for heavens sake, it's Monday... Water sipping stopped, the bill was paid, and we walked out. He sort of knows the area where I live and we needed similar train lines so that worked out I guess. While heading to the train, I saw the actor from Boardwalk Empire, the one who pretended to play a dead Jimmy, he blonde one. Yeah, he's just as hot and strong jawed in real life. Bless. 

So the only thing I didn't like was that I couldn't listen to music and write out this post and take subway creeper pics for you guys because there were some quality personalities in and out of the train tonight. Missed, all missed, because I had company. Man oh man. Well, he walked me all the way to my building and I put a stop to it at the door because NO. The door of my building I mean. Not my door. Goodbyes were said and that was that. Oh did I mention, this guy doesn't have a Twitter or Instagram. Just an FYI. 

Here's what I wore: 

I live for this coat. And the leather gloves I decided on last-minute.

Face (in case you didn't catch the edited version on Instagram):

Ohhh! AND when I walked up to him standing outside the restaurant waiting for me, he handed me a single rose. Can we say cute?

Beauty and the Beast status on these hoes...

Also, kudos to him. That's the first time I've ever been on a date and the guy hands me a flower of any kind. I loved it. Who knows where this will go. I would give you some more analysis to this, (you guys know me I could analyze til kingdom come) but it's 11:30 already and I need sleep. Maybe more later? ;)

Until next time lovelies,

Ps. Now someone just find me a new apartment, in a neighborhood I like, and we're all good.
Pps. Why do I keep meeting guys who are older than me, lived alone or with roommates, but then moved back home because someone got sick? Is this a trend or something?
Ppps. I LOVE this new necklace. (the one in the photo)
Pppps. THIS DUDE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE CHOCOLATE. AND he doesn't go to shows? Or the theater? Yo, how do you even live??


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