Pack a Blanket.

Outdoor screenings. This is going to be just a general overview because despite my efforts and the amount of times I planned on going to screenings, I only actually attended two and I only actually viewed one film in it's entirety.

Let me explain.
The first film I planned on watching was 'America Hustle.' Since I didn't see it when it came out in theaters, I thought this would be a good way to make up for it. And plus, a free movie? Under the stars? What's not to like? So off I went after work on a Wednesday, scrunched up blanket and extra snacks in my bag. After walking about 15 piers in the wrong direction down the  Hudson River park, I turned around and arrived at my destination. Then, after situating myself and my things comfortably on my blanket in a favorable viewing area, the waiting began.

But with a view like that, who could really be mad?

Fast-forward about two or so hours later and the movie starts.

Fast-forward about three more hours and the movie ends.

As those of you who've seen the movie know, it was fabulous. Seeing it a second time around made it make more sense. Christian Bale and Amy Adams just... UGH. So much yes. And it wasn't even chilly out so that wasn't a problem. The only thing that did suck was figuring out I needed to (to put it childishly) have a tinkle and my only option was a port-a-potty, which is like saying there's no options at all. That was a bit of a nightmare. But apart from that, the rest of the evening was absolutely lovely and I would highly recommend everyone do it at least once.

And now for the second film. This time I was slated to see 'Cry Baby' in Williamsburg (WAY too appropriate). I picked up chips and guac from Chipotle after work, again on a Wednesday (why are the good ones always on Wednesdays?) and trundled over to the Burg. 


The poster

It was supposed to possibly rain but in the afternoon it was so sunny I almost felt strange wearing ankle booties. I got there fine and even picked up some chocolate on the way because that was the sole thing I missed most dearly the first time around. But would you believe, since I'd never been to the park where the movie was playing before, I wasn't sure where to go and ended up sitting across the street from where I was supposed to be for approximately 30 minutes before realizing. It was a nice spot I had while I stayed there though. *insert chuckle here* Across the street I went and was somewhat disappointed with what I found. 'Cry Baby' is at least two hours long. That wasn't the problem. I was going to be watching it outside in a park. That wasn't the problem either. The problems ladies and gents, was that I would be watching this film while sitting atop asphalt with nothing but a blanket to cushion my bony tush. 

That square back there is the screen

Immediately I made a mental note not to come back to this location for films anymore but still left it slightly open in case I found I could stand it. I never found out just whether or not I could stand it though because, about 30 minutes after the "official" announcement that it wasn't supposed to rain, and a mere 18 minutes into the film, it started to rain. 

Johnny bby

Except it wasn't just your average rain, it was like two regular drops fell then suddenly it became torrential. People scurrying everywhere, trying to grab all their stuff and run for cover aka anywhere, madness quickly ensued. Never have I been more glad about my footwear decision than I was on that day. But after hoofing it back to the train with nothing but my trusty, dusty umbrella to shelter me, I still arrived home freezing and basically drenched.

I was supposed to go to another two screenings but the first one got bumped because I didn't want to be out all all night on my birthday (missed 'The Shining' in Central Park. Yeah yeah yeah but I wouldn't have gotten home until around 1 and I had work the next day so that was a no). The second one got scratched because a young man asked me out and I obliged. More on that later. Maybe. If I do happen to find out about any other showings however, trust and believe that it's possible I will attend. Because I'm a movie buff and you can't hold me down.

Until next time lovelies,


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